A-Z Therapy: 26 Essential Tips For Making It Work

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination. Carl Rogers Hi! Welcome back to The Winter Of My Discontent. Today I’m going to give you some powerful tips for making therapy work for you. Before I do, I want to re-address the elephant in the …

7 Easy Steps To Your Own Mental Health Blog

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Arthur Ashe During my time off from the blog, I really took a step back and tried to decide where I want to go next. As I’ve stated before, my goal with The Winter Of My Discontent has always been about educating, advocating, …

It’s Not Always Sunny In Mental Health Recovery: 12 Hard Truths

Too many prefer gentle lies to hard truths. Shane Parrish Mental health recovery is kicking my ass. Let me level with you guys. I feel like I’m letting you down. I feel like I’m letting me down. I feel like I’m giving up. For these last 6 months, I have had the time and the …

Mental Health Blogging: 8 Proven Do’s and Don’ts

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything substantial and I’m not sure that’s what I’m bringing you today. I’m still dealing with some creative block. I’ve had a lot going on and my day job takes a lot of brainpower, so I haven’t had a lot left over. That said, I have gained a …

Choked: 8 Types of Creative Block

“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” Sylvia Plath Creative block…uhhggg. It’s really the worst. If you are a creative, of any type, you’ve probably experienced it. The desire and need to create but the inability to actually do anything about it. As many of you already know, I deal with creative blocks quite often. …

Relapse: My Mental Health

Part of recovery is relapse. I dust myself off and move forward again. Steven Adler Hello, my lovelies! Thank you for being here because I have a super important, super exciting announcement to make. I am nominated for Blogger Of The Year at the MH Blog Awards this year! But there is a catch, I …

Fear: 5 Undeniable Ways It Held Me Back

If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu Hello, my lovelies! Thank you for being here because I have a super important, super exciting announcement to make. I am nominated for Blogger Of The Year at the MH Blog Awards this year! But …

MMH: 9 Covert Mental Compulsions

It’s like looking through a magnifying glass that only picks up on the potentially dangerous, harmful, and scary. unknown Hello, my lovelies! Thank you for being here because I have a super important, super exciting announcement to make. I am nominated for Blogger Of The Year at the MH Blog Awards this year! But there …

One Year: How Mental Health Blogging Has Helped Me Heal

Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’ Alfred Lord Tennyson Hello, my lovelies! Thank you for being here because I have a super important, super exciting announcement to make. I am nominated for Blogger Of The Year at the MH Blog Awards this year! But there is …