toolbox featured

10 Practical Items In My ADHD Toolbox (and more ideas for yours!)

The first I heard tell of an “ADHD Toolbox,” I was listening to a podcast. I wish I could remember which one, because they drew a great visual in the episode. They said to visualize a toolbox in your head; get to know it. What does it look like? What color is it? What is …

Privacy and Anonymity Online: 10 Inarguable Reasons Why and 5 Ways How (and why I chose neither!)

Privacy and anonymity in the online world seems nearly impossible in 2023. Even the great grandmas of the world know how to use Facebook wrong and politely ask Google questions. Some of those among us have literally never lived in a world where putting a photo of yourself online for the whole world to see …

Tenacious: Is Resilience A Good Thing?

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive. Jamais Cascio I see a lot of hate for resilience in the ADHD and mental illness communities. I completely understand the argument. Most people say, “I didn’t have to be traumatized to learn lessons. …

Wrecked: 12 Ways To Recognize Burnout and 11 Easy Ways to Combat It

It’s important that you don’t lie to yourself. If you lie to yourself, you end up with burnout. Patrick Pichette Hello, Human Beans! I hope this finds you well. I’m sitting here on a beautiful day, scheduling out blog posts and thinking about burnout. People with ADHD are more prone to it than their neurotypical …

6 Signs Of Mental Health Concerns

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. Aristotle Mental health refers to your general mental state and how you regulate your feelings, behavior and thoughts. There is no written standard to measuring what could be considered normal because normal looks different to each individual. …

Dear Amber: A Heartbreaking Letter To My Younger Self

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. George Washington Carver Hello, Human Beans! That’s what I’m calling you all now, in …

Creativity: 15 Powerful Ways to Harness the Beast

Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things. Ray Bradbury Hello, Human Beans! I’m going to be honest, creativity is low these days. You see, I have a lot of tough stuff going on in life and …